Piano Prep Classes for Pre-Schoolers ages for ages 3-4 Nurturing and developing nine key pre-piano skills. $395 term fee.

  • 2/321 Camberwell Rd Camberwell
  • Next to Police Station, opp Library
  • Free 2hr parking behind Petbarn

If there’s enough interest we’ll add classes

Exploratory Piano
Improvisation and development of hand and arm technique in relation to themes and characters.
Movement activities help with body co-ordination and experiencing inner pulse, as well as being essential for this age and stage and how they learn.
Letters & Numbers
Musical literacy uses letters & numbers, so we develop understanding and application of these in music.
Rhythm & Pulse
Responding to music through our activities develops a strong sense of inner pulse, and ability to imitate and make new rhythms.
Singing activities include songs for learning, such as the musical alphabet, nursery rhymes, and echo songs for the development of aural skills
Listening to a wide range of music genres develops students’ awareness of music and intention, as well as exposing them to various musical elements.
Music is built on patterns so we provide opportunities to work with patterns in a variety of ways, playing instruments and games.
Rhythm & Pulse
Responding to music through our activities develops a strong sense of inner pulse, and ability to imitate and make new rhythms.
Pitch Awareness
Echo songs and tuned percussion instruments help to develop a sense of pitch, moving up and down, as well as highs and lows.